VUCAD: Complexity

Complexity, one of the simpler elements of stress to understand, can make executing seemingly simple tasks very frustrating. Not keeping track of everything can make the problem worse; as a result, maybe the task can't be finished. Complexity increases with each additional variable considered when making a decision. It is the layers and layers of information and data that create a holistic depiction of a complex concept. In today’s tumultuous world, complexity easily inundates people.

When faced with complexity, individuals often seek simplicity. A simple, catchy statement is more powerful than the truth. Condensed information from a source they are familiar with — their neighbor or a close friend —  carries more weight than detailed information from a trusted source. When there are too many moving parts to a situation, people might find themselves rather lax when it comes to keeping track of everything. This is a slippery slope to progress stalling and even preventing people from achieving their goals.

Complexity is about many moving parts; efficiently tracking these variables can help one stay ahead of complexity by consistently engaging with reliable sources to remain up-to-date regarding topics impacting them. In other words, staying up to date more about what affects their efforts. People participate in many unique, overlapping, and interdependent systems. Some systems are more complex than others, with more variables influencing events and outcomes (i.e. ‘lots of moving pieces’). When people commit to a few specific sources of information to research and understand, they can stay current on various levels of activity - from how decisions made by the federal government will impact them, down to participating in their local city council. A person handles complexity well if they can take responsibility for many moving elements, making increasingly consequential decisions with finesse.

In a new situation, keeping track of what affects someone and then ranking them in the order of which is most important to watch out for helps them feel in control. Because the situation calls for a lot of elements, being aware of them and understanding how they work gives them the ability to work efficiently between each moving part. The key is to know what difficulties could bring the most trouble. When looking at a situation, make sure to keep track of all moving parts that are necessary to get the job done; the information being received must be reliable. What two reliable sources will you regularly check for updates that may affect you?


VUCAD: Ambiguity


VUCAD: Uncertainty